And we consume these poisonous representations, that their acts of heroism is funny, all because we crave seeing ourselves. These three beautiful people end up becoming a form of entertainment for white audiences. Antoine Dodson Sweet BrownCharles RamseyThree poor black people who committed heroic acts, but became “Internet sensations” for their punchlines.Who is this? Why do we know who he is?My brother Durwin Brown asks this question, who is woman in background? What’s her name?People got so caught up with Antoine Dodson, they forgot that someone attempted to sexually assault his sister.The Original 2ChainzfeaturingKuntaKinte.And thinking you’re going to “Save” some poor African kid is problematic. You have to do more than “Like” something to contribute. come to associate Facebook activity with activism. But I highlight this one because many people in the U.S. Early memes like the Peanut Butter Jelly Time: “skeptical African kid” has been remade multiple times.What are the messages we get from these memes?urban dictionary: 95 definitions So when you see people tag their IG posts, what are they saying? How are they defining ratchet with their actions and internet posts? Memes and Masta’s Messaging:Now, I want to discuss memes–the viral internet graphics that pass messages on in seconds. Instagram search for: ratchet & ratchethoetotal ratchet posts: 3 million, 300 & 96 thousand & 92 posts (8am, as of )The definition of ratchet, according to an Internet search.Give me a two sentence definition of “ratchet” and an example. The top and bottom are results from Internetsearch:The top, simply “Jesus.” The bottom, “Black Jesus.” (note: cracker jesus)While both have parody images, Black Jesus both a cartoon, Obama w/ a perm, and so-called “Ghetto Jesus.”I share this because the perpetuation of these images in the media continue to socialize Black people to have a sense of inferiority while giving others the false sense of superiority.Clockwise from top-center: “She ratchet!” video, two black men making fun of black women Hella Ratchet mixtape by Oakland rapper Mistah FAB Miley Cyrus (ok, you can’t even see her face and people recognize her whiteface-twerking far-left-bottom, Malibu’s Most Wanted center-UC Irvine Blackface from last spring and top left, White Jesus, white supremacy passed off as Divinity. build self and collective pride & consciousness.29% uninformed about major-related news.35% uninformed about campus opportunities.91% of students who use phones for Internet.

Youth (generally) high interest in news.“the spirit of the people is greater than the man’s technology” Race he will aspire to equality and justiceĬarter G. “When you control a man's thinking you do #BSLT2013 From Ratchet to Revolution: Social Media, Technology, and Black Student Organizing